Monday, 14 May 2012

Photo Shoot

Guess who was caught by the camera just a few weeks ago? Why, the WPIPS Community of course! It was definitely time for some new photos since our previous photoshoot dated back to November 2010, just after we were formed... To fill you in, here are some "before" shots, taken by our fabulous Caroline Telfer of Anita Jean Photography, from what seems like yonks ago...

We wanted to catch the fun, vibrant spirit of the school and the passion kids there have for learning, so here are a few that we think perfectly captured just that...

Then we also wanted some shots to show the classrooms, so here is an example of that... 

It looked great at the time, but now since the school has changed so much and all, these pictures could not longer do justice, so after many months of trying to get a date when everyone could get together for a big photo bash, the opportunity arose... Tuesday 24th April. This time we still wanted similar photos, especially with so many new spaces and faces since late 2010. But we also wanted so individual portrait type pics and of course a whole school photo.

So our amazing Caro, armed with her camera got snapping, and the WPIPS Community got posing...

First we started off in the Early Childhood Classroom, and got several like this one, which is simply showing the classroom:

Then we got several snaps of storytime. Don't you love the expression on Miss T's face, and also how interested the kids look? Just what we were searching for...

Miss Gooding's classroom was next on the agenda. The classroom is so tricky to work with because of the dark walls and very small size. We managed to make it look a lot better by putting up a whole lot of colourful posters and garlands though.

Here is Miss Gooding explaining a task to Jesse...

And a shot of the whiteboard (see the horrible wall colour?)

Following that, was Miss Alligator's classroom, where some painting was going on:

And of course no one can resist a teacher in very high heels wiping the blackboard...

We stopped at the library and had lots of great snaps taken, such as this one of Georgia reading (to her dolls):

And of Miss Kelly and Miss Gooding trying to solve a puzzle:

We are glad to have these photos to represent what the library is used for and how much fun we all have in there.
 After that, we all headed into the Admin, which is a fun, happy entry place to our school and a hang-out for staff as there is no operating staffroom at the moment.

Miss P and Miss T checked out some maths resources:

And Miss Kelly showed off her new desk for her role as deputy principal:

Outside we went (thankfully it was a really beautiful day), and had a whole lot of fun blowing bubbles, popping bubbles, jumping for the sake of it and playing with our sports equipment.

This photos has to be a favourite, maybe because it is isn't posed, but it's just having fun naturally, and also there are 7 of the 10 WPIPS people in there (missing Bonnie, Eli and Jesse, because Sophie and Georgia are in the photo, they're just very good at hiding)..

This shot of Amelia blowing bubbles is so great, it's just so simple and as Guillaume would say - amazing!

There's tough competition though, because this one of Jesse and Georgia is too very adorable.

Meanwhile, Miss Putland and Miss Kelly were having a ball ...

Individual shots were on our checklist and it was a perfect opportunity. We were thinking of the Admin, but ended up getting the shots done outside, Each person sat on the ledge and posed doing something they loved or just something significant to them.

Miss Kelly was marking work, Miss Alligator (being our Admin guru) was talking on the phone, Miss Putland was searching through the reading box, Miss Gooding wanted to have a pic with Pompon, but being a dog, he didn't like the idea, so we got great one of her by herself, Miss Jean wanted to have a pic giving Georgia a sticker, but this one was equally as beautiful, Georgia is close up in this pic, but she was playing with her dolls and reading a book, Hugh was being impatient so was just being himself, Jesse was posing with a letter "J" for Jesse and Miss T was holding up a heart, to show how much love she has in her.

The boys had gone off at this point, but we still went ahead and took some pictures without our giant WPIPS lettering. It might have been perfect because there was just enough for each person to have one letter. The lettering is now displaying in the Admin.

When the boys got back, we took our whole school picture. Well as whole as it could be without Eli and Georgia. This was the more serious one, and yet it is hardly very serious at all.

Then for an even more fun take on things - what's more fun than jumping down steps whilst still trying to keep a smile and not land on anyone else? Nothing of course! So we had a good time jumping as high as possible while Caro snapped away.

On our way out, Miss Gooding and Miss Kelly (principal and deputy), got a picture with the school sign at the front of the school yard. 

It was just after that when we realised Miss Jean was away when we were taking photos in the classrooms so we didn't get any pictures in her classroom. That, of course, wasn't good enough so we went back in and got some really great pictures in there.

Here's Miss Jean doing what she does best, helping people:

And one of Jesse and Hugh hard at work...

It was all over after that, but not without many memories of the really fun day it was.
Oh, and there are so many more pics that we couldn't put in this post, but you can get a DVD filled to the brim with photos and photos from WPIPS if you would like.

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